Welcome to Lui-Land
Lui Sit’s Author Website
Hello! My name is Lui Sit - welcome to my author website.
I write stories for children aged seven - eleven because the books I read at that age meant the most to me. I also write short stories for adults, non-fiction and memoir too.
I was born in Hong Kong and lived with my extended family in an area called Fortress Hill. Aged three, I immigrated with my parents to Perth, Western Australia, which was about as different a place you could get to Hong Kong back in the seventies. I grew up at a time where phones had cords, the TV had three stations and going to the movies meant a local drive-in. I had a lot of freedom growing up, so I made a lot of decisions for myself (not all good ones!) When I write for children, I like to give the characters this same freedom.
Before becoming an author, I worked in many different jobs, including ice cream seller, dim sum waitress, project editor, marketing consultant, dance development officer, environmental campaigner, events manager, I could go on. The sum of having a different job every two years for the last thirty years means I have had a lot of experiences, which I reckon, serves me well for writing.
My other creative outlet is dancing. I have studied every dance style I could access which led to me qualifying as a dance anthropologist!
I now live in London with my family and cat. I write and dance as much as I can.
Thanks for visiting!